Carl Ackerman

Carl Ackerman6

Carl Ackerman has over 23 years of experience in broadcast TV as a cameraman, editor, producer, and director. He began his career in 1987 as a host and director of a surfing show called Crossfire Videos on San Diego Public Access Channels. Carl has worked on various films and programs with different people over the years, including Chris Bystrom, John Carper, Greg Loehr, and Doc Ball. Currently, he has been working as a commercial producer for an NBC affiliate for over two decades.

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Carl Ackerman

Shaping 101 with John Carper

Learn to shape surfboards from start to finish while being instructed by world famous shaper John Carper of JC Hawaii, in this groundbreaking video, which is known to be the industry standard for teaching surfboard shaping, design and theory.

Carl Ackerman

Glassing 101 with John Carper

The experts at the JC Factory teach you how to glass surfboards the right way in this groundbreaking video. Learn to laminate, hot coat, and sand quickly and effectively. This program is the perfect companion for Shaping 101.

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